
Company Owners & Directors

Employers & Human Resources Professionals

Employees with Stock Options

Law & Accountancy Firm Partners

Recently Retired


  • Ensuring your family are provided for if you cannot work
  • Saving for children’s education
  • Investment for later life
  • Paying your mortgage off early
  • Mortgage Protection
  • Protecting your family in case of death or serious illness
  • Optimising your pension- making it work in a tax efficient manner

Company Owners & Directors


 Your Personal CFO

  • Ensuring your family are provided for if you cannot work
  • Optimising pension in a tax efficient manner
  • Protecting and futureproofing your business
  • Funding for later life; pension and investments
  • Funding a spouse pension
  • Protecting your family in case of death or serious illness
  • Getting your business ready for sale
  • Investing via your business

Employers & Human Resources Professionals

SparksWealth can help put together a financial benefit package for your employees. This
will help you retain your best staff in a competitive market.
● Creating pension schemes for your employees
● Auto-enrolment strategies
● Financial planning clinics for employees
● Company-wide presentations and Zoom/Teams sessions
● Life assurance and Death-in-service
● Illness benefit or Income protection

    Employees with Stock Options

    Have you been awarded substantial stock options as part of your compensation? Company stock can complement current savings or in some cases change your life. We help clients manage their stock options and fit this in to their financial and life planning. We have developed a unique system for these individuals which helps them make sound financial decisions.

    • Explore different scenarios and outcomes
    • Look at the merits of selling the stock vs holding
    • Diversification into a broader equity basket
    • Building financial plans around your holdings
    • Paying for your property using your stock

      Law & Accountancy Firm Partners

      • We work with some of Ireland’s top law and accountancy partners. Our service is tailored around their needs and requirements.

        This may include:

        • Funding for later life; Using the optimal tax structure for your pension and investments
        • Protecting your family in case of death or serious illness
        • Children’s savings and family gifting
        • Tax efficient investing
        • Partnership Assurance
        • Estate planning and inheritance planning


      • Financial planning and guidance
      • Downsizing your property
      • Retirement Cashflow planning
      • Using your pension – thats what it’s there for!
      • Inheritance planning
      • Gifting wealth to your children (eg helping them with a deposit for a house)

      Book a Consultation

      There is no cost for an initial consultation with one of our Financial Planners. Let's see if we can work together.