When you decide you want to start saving and being sensible with your personal finances, it should all be easy from there. There are too many options and it’s hard to know where to start. This quick guide will explain the Pros and Cons of each option available to Irish retail investors. If you would like more […]
SparksWealth Visual Insights: The Three Whys of Financial Planning
What is driving your financial goals? Are they clear in your mind as you read this? Are they colorful, vivid, and tied to your innermost self? If not, you’re not alone. It’s hard to really visualize “why” you’re working hard to save for the future and build wealth. But you can change that with a […]
5 ways to help you retire early
The past year has allowed us to prioritise and find out what is actually important to us. We are helping a number of clients retire early at present and a few patterns have emerged that we would like to share. If you would like more information on any of these tips, please give the office […]
SparksWealth Visual Insights: How have prices changed in America
America brought us people with names like Doug, Randy and Bob. America has brought us sports which we now pretend to understand. America has combined sugar, fat and salt in amazing ways. But most of all America is the home of capitalism. We looked at some interesting trends from a 2017 inflation study in […]
5 Financial Pointers for Young Parents
Being parents of young children can be stressful and expensive. It also coincides with the period of time that most people start financially awakening and realise that it is time to give financial matters time and attention. This post focuses on a few small things you should be doing now as parents. If you […]
SparksWealth Visual Insights: What is Sustainable Investing?
Do your values help guide your investment decisions? Research shows that most people tend to make investment choices based on recent gains or losses.1 That’s starting to change, though. More people are starting to find ways to incorporate their beliefs and values in their investment strategies. They’re part of a movement toward sustainable investing, and […]
SparksWealth Visual Insights: 5 Powerful Ways to Set Financial Goals in Uncertain Times
There are a lot of “uncontrollables” at present. This makes financial planning tricky in the short term. A lot of us are asking questions in our mind that we couldnt possibly know the answer to. But yet we keep asking. Those “what ifs” fuel anxiety and negative thinking.1 They stall progress and make it hard […]
How Much Cash to Hold in 2021?
We frequently get asked by clients how much should they keep in cash? We still firmly believe that despite not getting returns in the bank, cash has a role in your personal finances. These few pointers will help you decide how cash to hold. If you would like more information on any of these tips, […]
SparksWealth Visual Insights: SantasWealth- The Game
For the last Insights of 2020, we thought we’d have a bit of fun so we have made a computer game! If playing on your phone, be sure to “hide the toolbar” on your browser. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the support in our first official year. Will Click here to play!