Learning Centre

SparksWealth Visual Insights: What is Sustainable Investing?

SparksWealth Visual Insights: What is Sustainable Investing?

Do your values help guide your investment decisions? Research shows that most people tend to make investment choices based on recent gains or losses.1 That’s starting to change, though. More people are starting to find ways to incorporate their beliefs and values in their investment strategies. They’re part of a movement toward sustainable investing, and […]

SparksWealth Visual Insights: 5 Powerful Ways to Set Financial Goals in Uncertain Times

SparksWealth Visual Insights: 5 Powerful Ways to Set Financial Goals in Uncertain Times

There are a lot of “uncontrollables” at present. This makes financial planning tricky in the short term. A lot of us are asking questions in our mind that we couldnt possibly know the answer to. But yet we keep asking. Those “what ifs” fuel anxiety and negative thinking.1 They stall progress and make it hard […]

SparksWealth Visual Insights: SantasWealth- The Game

SparksWealth Visual Insights: SantasWealth- The Game

For the last Insights of 2020, we thought we’d have a bit of fun so we have made a computer game! If playing on your phone, be sure to “hide the toolbar” on your browser. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the support in our first official year. Will Click here to play!

SparksWealth Visual Insights: What you need to know about Market Corrections

SparksWealth Visual Insights: What you need to know about Market Corrections

What’s the number one mistake investors make when markets decline? Panic selling.1 It’s an emotional reaction to the sting of a correction. And it usually trades one problem for another—it replaces fear with seller’s remorse.2 You can avoid all of that if you know the facts about market corrections. This month’s Visual Insights Newsletter highlights […]

Reeling in the Years 2000 (inflation edition)

Reeling in the Years 2000 (inflation edition)

They say if you throw a frog into boiling water, it will jump out immediately.  However if you gradually increase the heat, the frog won’t notice and happily swim away until it becomes frog stew.  The same applies for inflation; we dont notice a 5 cent increase to our coffee in the morning, but over time this can […]

SparksWealth Visual Insights: How to Adopt Better Financial Behaviours

SparksWealth Visual Insights: How to Adopt Better Financial Behaviours

An experienced US financial planner once told me, that our principal job is to “not let clients do stupid things”. Humans aren’t robots. We frequently behave irrationally and make emotional decisions. These instincts and biases can have disasterous reprocussions for our finances. Build better finances by overcoming your brain’s natural tendencies with the behavioral finance […]

Inheritance tax is no crack! The best tip to pass on wealth the the next generation

Inheritance tax is no crack! The best tip to pass on wealth the the next generation

Gifting our children or grandchildren is a very natural thing and something we’d like to do to help them along the way. Unfortunately this is not easy from a taxation point of view. We can only gift a certain amount in a life time before a 33% tax kicks in. The thresholds in Ireland are […]