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Tag: equities

How Much Cash to Hold in 2021?

How Much Cash to Hold in 2021?

We frequently get asked by clients how much should they keep in cash?  We still firmly believe that despite not getting returns in the bank, cash has a role in your personal finances.  These few pointers will help you decide how cash to hold.   If you would like more information on any of these tips, […]

The 12 Financial Tips of Christmas!

The 12 Financial Tips of Christmas!

We fully admit to being a little obsessed with Christmas, so this was always going to happen.  If any of these tips resonate and you need a chat, drop me a line!   If you would like more information on any of these tips, please give the office a call on 01 639 2908 or email me on […]

Reeling in the Years 2000 (inflation edition)

Reeling in the Years 2000 (inflation edition)

They say if you throw a frog into boiling water, it will jump out immediately.  However if you gradually increase the heat, the frog won’t notice and happily swim away until it becomes frog stew.  The same applies for inflation; we dont notice a 5 cent increase to our coffee in the morning, but over time this can […]